对北京西山某岩溶洞穴1至4层进行了氡浓度测量,研究洞穴中氡浓度的变化特征,从时间和空间两个方面探讨其变化规律及其对人身体的危害。研究结果表明,天然溶洞在不同深度位置,氡浓度存在明显差异,随着深度的增加,氡浓度呈现线性的增长特征;溶洞内氡浓度在7、8、9月相对较高,平均浓度6123Bq/m^3,10、11、12月氡浓度较低,平均浓度2784Bq/m^3,呈现出季节性的变化特征,即夏季高而冬季低;溶洞内由氡及其子体所产生的年平均内照射剂量约为566 m Sv·a^(-1),超出国家规定公众年有效剂量的安全范围。建议对已经对公众开放的天然溶洞,进行氡浓度检测,采取有效的防氡降氡措施,减少氡及其子体的辐射,对人身体所产生的危害。
In order to advanced study the change rules of radon concentration in karst caves in Beijing Western Hills, the author measured the radon concentration from layers 1 to 4 in a karst cave during March to December to discuss respectively its harm to human body in the aspects of time and space. The result shows that the concentration is not same at different depths. The concentration increases with the increase of depth. The concentration is higher in July, August and September, and lower in October, November and December . There is a signifcant seasonal change rule that the concentration in winter is higher and in summer is lower. The annual average radiation dose of radon and its daughters in the cave is about 566 mSv?a-1, which is beyond the safe range of the annual effective dose prescribed by the state. It is suggested that the radon concentration should be detected in the natural cave which is open to the public, and effective measures should be taken to reduce the harm caused by radiation of radon and its daughters to human body.
Urban Geology
Radon daughter
Karst caves
Beijing Western Hills
Internal irradiation