早在2005年联合国公布的《荒漠化报告》就指出,全球有10%-20%的旱地退化,粗略估计有1%-6%的旱地人口生活在荒漠化地区,受荒漠化影响的地区面积应在600万-1 200万平方公里之间,而且荒漠化势头还在继续加剧。面对世界范围内的荒漠化问题,各国大都开展了荒漠化防治工作,并制定了相关的荒漠化防治法律。通过对美国、以色列、丹麦、日本、澳大利亚、俄罗斯等国荒漠化防治法律及治沙经验的梳理与对比,我国防沙治沙法律存在着一些问题:"沙化土地"的界定问题;专门性措施中的效率和公正平衡问题;跨部门措施实施成效问题。借鉴上述各国治沙法律对我国荒漠化防治事业发展的问题的启示是:加强荒漠化生态环境教育;加强荒漠化地区生态安全评价;加强荒漠化法律政策体系的构建;加强荒漠化防治科学研究及成果转化;加强荒漠化防治执法队伍建设;加强财政、税收等方面的扶植工作。
As early as 2005,the'Desertification Report'published by the United Nations pointed out that 10%-20% of dryland has degraded globally.It roughly estimated that 1%-6% of the dryland population live in desertified areas,and the area affected by desertification should be 6 million to 12 million square kilometers,and the momentum of desertification continues to intensify.In the face of desertification in the world,most countries have carried out desertification control work and developed relevant desertification control laws.Through the organizing and contrasting with the desertification control laws and the sand control experience in the United States,Israel,Denmark,Japan,Australia,Russia and so on,there are some problems in the law of desertification control in our country:the definition of'desertified land';efficiency and fair balance issues;cross-sectoral measures to implement effectiveness issues.By drawing lessons from the above-mentioned nations' sand control laws on China's desertification prevention and control,the enlightenment is strengthening the ecological security evaluation of desertification areas;strengthening the construction of the legal policy system of desertification;strengthening the scientific research and achievements transformation of desertification control;strengthening the construction of the enforcement team of desertification control;strengthening the finance,tax and other aspects of the supportive work.
Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University:Social Sciences
Foreign law of sand control
Desertification Control