The electric power as the basis of China’s economic development,more and more people cannot do without the power resources in the production of daily life activities,and the safety and stability of power resources is the focus of concern to the people,the impact of power engineering supply level directly related to people’s quality of life,in the process of power engineering construction the past can be found in the power automatic technology is closely related to people’s life style,coupled with the establishment of the information society,need more power resources to provide safe,stable,which requires us to strengthen the power automation related technology in electric power engineering,increase the level of research and development of electric power automation technology,promote electric power engineering construction the use of technology,optimization and development,to enhance the power engineering construction quality,improve the kind of unfavorable situation,for people’s life Make great efforts to contribute.This paper analyzes the application of electric power automation technology in power engineering,hope can reference even related to new technologies,new materials and new technology in power in the process of engineering construction,vigorously improve power engineering work efficiency,improve the automation level and production efficiency of electric power enterprise,to realize the sustainable development of electric power enterprises.
Construction & Design for Engineering
power engineering
electric power automation technology