介绍了渤海海上油田二元复合驱驱油的设计与开发方案,以新型表面活性剂(非离子型表面活性剂:DMES-14、TX-100)和疏水缔合聚丙烯酰胺(HAPAM)为主。二元复合驱驱油体系主要需要双子表面活性剂双十四酸乙二酯双磺酸盐型表面活性剂(DMES-14),疏水缔合聚丙烯酰胺以及取自海上油田平台的回注水。该体系同时对粘度和表面张力进行了研究。结果表明,该体系在不要求浓度的情况下可以达到超低界面张力2.48×10^(-3) m N/m,在油藏中粘度可达到55 m Pa;随后的岩心驱替试验表明,在水驱含水75%的状况下进行二元复合驱驱油效果可提高至38.6%以上。总之,该实验研究提供了非离子表面活性剂与疏水缔合水溶性聚合物驱油体系的实用信息以及可以在渤海海上油田进行大规模应用HAPAM。
The design and development program of Bohai offshore oilfield by using binary compound flooding with a new type of surfactant(Gemini surfactant: DMES-14, nonionic surfactant: TX-100) and hydrophobically associating polyacrylamide(HAPAM) were introduced. The binary compound flooding system mainly used Gemini surfactant DMES-14, hydrophobically associating polyacrylamide and reinjection water of offshore oil platform. The viscosity and surface tension of the water injection system were studied. The results show that the system can achieve ultralow interfacial tension of 2.48×10^-3 m N/m, the viscosity can reach to 55 MPa; then the core flooding tests show that the binary compound flooding can increase the oil displacement efficiency by more than 38.6%. In conclusion, this study provides practical information on application of nonionic surfactant and hydrophobically associating water-soluble polymer flooding system.
Contemporary Chemical Industry