通过分析温泉水尾水的特点,采用水源热泵对其进行热能的梯级利用,其中一级热泵利用系统需要增加板式换热器换取中介水系统才可以满足机组的进水温度要求。结合实际案例进行测算,采用三级热泵梯级利用系统对周边小区进行供暖,与市政集中采暖方案进行对比分析,温泉尾水热能梯级利用系统可以提供4815 kW的负荷,解决93000 m^2建筑面积的供热需求,每年可以节约标准煤为506吨,节省费用53.9万元,减排1261 tce CO_2,37.9 tce SO_2,19.2 tce NO_x,344 tce粉尘,经济回收期年限为5.5年,节能环保效益显著,同时对于环境污染能起到一定的缓解。
By analyzing the characteristics of hot spring water, water source heat pump of the energy cascade utilization was used, which the plate heat exchanger is needed in exchange for spring water temperature cannot meet the unit requirements. Combined with the actual case, which three stage heat pump system were applied to heating for surrounding residential. Compared with the municipal centralized heating scheme, the hot spring water thermal energy cascade utilization system can provide 4,815 kW load, solving the 93000 m^2 building area of heating demand and saving 506 tons of standard coal and 539000 Yuan each year. 1,261 tce CO2, 37.9 tee SO2, 19.2 tee NOx, 344 tce dust emissions were reduced. The economic recovery period is 5.5 years and energy saving and environmental protection benefit is remarkable, which can relieve the environmental pollution greatly.
Building Energy & Environment
shallow geothermal, hot spring water, cascade utilization, water source heat pump