By using the method of literature and so on, this paper analyzes the development of European Male Basketball Championship. The results show that,in competition pattern, the overall strength of Southern Europe and Eastern Europe is better than the rest of Europe, Southern Europe and Eastern Europe compete with each other,and Central Europe belongs to the second class, and the competitive level of Western Europe and Northern Europe has been backward for a long time. The former Soviet union, the former Yugoslavia and Spain dominate respectively European Male Basketball Championship in different periods, the second group competes fiercely, and the strength of other countries are relatively weak. For development characteristics, political factors have interfered for a long time, athletes present a comprehensive technology, the internal and external boundaries are gradually blurring, many powerful countries exist at the same time and the competition becomes increasingly fierce, and basketball styles blend mutually and also innovate continuously.
Sport Science and Technology
competitive sports
men's basketball
the European basketball championship