随着新能源汽车的发展,可充电的能循环使用的高能量密度电池迎来了巨大的发展契机,由于Li离子电池的超高能量密度,稳定的循环性能,引发了人们广泛的关注与研究,Li-CO_2电池作为一种新型的Li离子电池,由于节能减排以及温室效应的影响下,也渐渐成为了研究热点。目前,对于Li-CO_2电池的研究,主要集中在正极电极材料上,经历了KB到纳米碳材料的过程,如今使用石墨烯作为正极材料,放电比容量已经达到14722 m Ag^(-1),并达到了超过20个周期的循环周期,已初具使用价值,具备极大的研究潜力和前景。
With the development of new energy vehicles,rechargeable can be recycled high-energy density battery ushered in a huge opportunity for development,due to the ultra-high energy density Li ion battery,stable cycle performance,led to widespread concern and research,Li-CO2 battery as a new type of Li-ion battery,due to energy-saving emission reduction and the impact of greenhouse effect,but also gradually become a research focus. At present,for Li-CO2 battery research,mainly concentrated in the cathode material,through the KB to nano-carbon material process,now using graphene as a cathode material,the specific capacity of the discharge has reached 14722 m Ag-1,and reached more than 20 cycles of cycle,has begun to use value,with great research potential and prospects.
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