生物炭作为一种固碳、培肥地力和生物质利用的新方法得到了国内外研究者的极大关注,本文借助文献计量,对Web of Science和CNKI数据库(1985~2015)的相关文献进行分析,比较了国内外在生物炭方面的研究,结果表明生物炭的研究国内与国际基本同步,2008年以后国内外刊文数急剧增加且呈继续上升趋势,美国农业部(USDA)发表文献数量最多(184篇),美国在生物炭研究领域占据主导地位;中国已经成为生物炭研究领域的中心之一,中国科学院发文数量排名第二,TOP10机构中中国占据3席,刊文数达到了总量的10.35%,但学术影响力明显不足,国内国际的研究热点均在农业和环境科学领域。国内已经形成了以沈阳农业大学和西北农林科技大学为首的相关研究团队,农业环境科学学报发文量居国内之首,达到了33篇。
As a method of carbon sequestration, soil amendment and bioresource utility, biochar has been focused by researchers all over the world. This paper is a biblimetric analysis on biochar using database of Web of Science and CNKI to compare relevant research field from domestic and aboard researchers. The results showed that researches of biochar in China and oversea were synchronous and publications were dramatically increased from 2008. USDA had a highest publication of 184 papers and established a dominant status, while China also had been one of the centers on biochar researches. Chinese Academy of Sciences ranked 2nd in publications and three Chinese institutions ranked in top10 which published 10.35% of total in our bibliometric analysis. However, we found that academic impact of China on biochar researches were obviously insufficient based on the analysis of citations. Hot issues mainly focused on agriculture and environmental science. Shenyang Agricultural University and Northwest A&F University had formed leader team on biochar researches among civil institutions and 33 papers on biochar published on Journal of Agro-Environment Science, which ranked first in publications.
Journal of Northeast Agricultural Sciences