Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary (OALECD) has begun to provide origins of some words and expressions since its 6th edition, and the number of which amounts to 231 ones in the 8th edition. These origins (at least 88%) are characterized by the nature of lexical motivation and therefore they already belong to the category of motivational information (MI), and hence representing a latest lexicographic trend both home and abroad. This paper, based on the lexical motivation studies and the interrelation among origin (etymon) , motivation and lexicography in particular, explores the issues such as the distribution, implication and application of these MIs. It is found that the inclusion of etymons tagged with the meta- lingual word "origin" in the 8th edition of OALECD breaks through the tradition of excluding origins out of a learner's dictionary and thus initiates a new model of "learner's dictionary + origin". Furthermore, the overlap between the origins in OALECD and the MIs can not only theoretically facilitate the interdisciplinary integration of lexicography and the lexical motivation study but also foretells the lexicographic tendency towards "learner's dictionary + Mr' in a practical sense.
Foreign Language Learning Theory And Practice