目的探讨玻璃体混浊患者行玻璃体激光消融术的临床效果及安全性。方法对2016-07到2017-02在我院门诊诊断为玻璃体轻中度混浊30例30眼患者进行回顾性分析,所有患者术前均作眼压、视力、眼部黑白B超及眼底照相并且放瞳眼底检查,排除活动性视网膜病变。选择混浊物在晶体后2-3mm及视网膜前3-4mm并且混浊物偏离视神经及黄斑的患者。采用Ultra Q:YAG激光仪治疗,2.0-5.0mj的能量单脉冲准确聚焦在混浊物上进行激射,每次不超过500点。结果每次术后1月复查视力、眼压、黑白B超及眼底。疗效显著的术后第1个月有15眼(占50%),2月有18眼(占60.0%),好转的术后第1月12眼(占40%),术后2个月11眼(占36.6%),无效的术后第1个月3眼(其中1例为Weiss环,2例为膜状混浊)(占10%),2个月1眼(占3.4%为膜状混浊)。术后第1个月总有效率占90%,无效率占10%。术后2月总有效率占96.6%,无效率占3.4%。无视网膜脱离及损伤,外伤性白内障,虹膜睫状体炎等并发症发生。结论 YAG激光玻璃体消融术治疗玻璃体混浊,疗效较好、简单、经济、安全,能够消除或减轻玻璃体混浊带来的视觉不适,同时由于本次治疗病例样本较少,观察时间较短,还需要更多病例及更长时间的观察。
Objetive To explore the clinical effect and safety of vitreous laser ablation for vitreous turbidity. Methods 30 cases (30 eyes) with vitreous turbidity were analyzed retrospectively. Preoperative ocular pressure, vision, B ultrasound, fundus photography and fundus examination were performed in order to exclude the active retinopathy. Among the selected patients, the muddy matter which was located at 2-3ram after the crystal and 3-4mm in the front of the retina were selected, and the muddy things were deflected from the optic nerve and macula, and were treated with Ultra Q: YAG. Results The ocular pressure, vision, B ultrasound and fundus examination were performed at postoperative 1 month. The total efficiency of the first month after surgery accounted for 90%, and inefficiency accounted for 10, 96.6% and 3.4% in two month after surgery. No retinal detachment and injury, traumatic cataract, iridocyelitis and other complications occurred. Conclusion Q: YAG vitreous ablation for vitreous turbidity is an effective treatment and further study is needed.
Journal of Practical Preventing Blind