目的探讨超声对腹股沟肿块及肿块样病变的诊断与鉴别诊断。方法采用GE-Vivid E9、GE-Logic E9、GEVivid7彩色多普勒超声诊断仪,探头频率6~13MHz。患者平卧或站立位,使腹股沟区充分暴露,必要时嘱患者深呼吸,观察包块的大小、形态、边界,回声特点及是否有血流分布,与周围血管、邻近腹腔内肠道、腹膜及腹膜腔关系。回顾性分析254例经手术和病理证实的腹股沟肿块声像图特征。结果 254例经手术和病理证实中:腹股沟疝130例,占51.2%;精索鞘膜积液68例,占26.8%;隐睾40例,占15.7%;腹股沟炎性淋巴结10例,占3.9%;股总动脉假性动脉瘤2例,占0.8%;腹股沟淋巴管瘤1例,占0.4%;腹股沟转移淋巴结1例,占0.4%;恶性淋巴瘤2例,占0.8%;不同的腹股沟肿块病例类型、声像图各有其特点。结论超声检查简便易行,熟练掌握超声技巧及声像图特征,对腹股沟区肿块及肿块样病变有较高的诊断与鉴别诊断价值,为临床提供重要的参考依据。
Objective To explore the ultrasound examination for the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of inguinal mass and mass-like lesions. Methods The color doppler diagnostic ultrasonic instrument ( GE VividE9, GE GE-Vivid7 LogicE9), with 6 ~ 13 MHz probe frequency was used in this work. The patients were asked to lay down or stand to expose the inguinal region fully and, if necessary, to take a deep breath, so as to and observe the size, shape, border, the echo characteristics and blood flow distribution of the mass as well as the relationship with its around vessel, adjacent intra - abdominal intestine, peritoneum, and peritoneal cavity. The characteristics of inguinal masses from 254 patients confirmed by surgery and pathology were retrospectively analyzed. Results Of these 254 cases confirmed by surgery and pathology, 130 were inguinal hernia, accounting for 51.2%, 68 were spermatic cord hydrocele, accounting for 26.8% ; 40 were cryptorchidism, accounting for 15.7%, 10 were inguinal inflammatory lymph nodes, accounting for 3.9%, 2 were stock total artery pseudoaneurysms, accounting for 0.8%, and 1 was inguinal lymphangioma, accounting for 0.4%. One metastasized to inguinal lymph nodes, accounting for 0.4%, 2 cases were malignant lymphoma, accounting for 0.8%. Different kinds of inguinal masses have their own characteristics of uhrasonography. Conclu- sion Mastering the skills of the ultrasonic techniques and ultrasonographic features is of great help for the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of inguinal mass and mass-like lesions, thereby providing the important references for the clinic.
Journal of Medical Imaging