Ig A肾病是一种全世界范围内常见的肾小球肾炎,亦是导致我国终末期肾病的首位病因。由于目前Ig A肾病的发病机制尚未明确,故缺乏针对其病因的特异性治疗。对于中重症Ig A肾病,临床治疗以激素及免疫抑制剂为主,而不同的免疫抑制剂治疗方案仍缺乏大样本长期随访数据的循证医学支持。尽管Ig A肾病不同治疗方案给患者带来不同的获益与风险,但疾病进展的风险可能与蛋白尿、高血压和肾小球滤过率等临床参数相关,故具体治疗方案亦应视临床实际状况而定,而治疗决策的关键是对患者预后的评估。
IgA nephropathy is a worldwide glomerulonephritis and it is also the first cause of uremia in China. Because the pathogenesis of IgA nephropathy is unclear, there is still no specific etiologic treatment. For the severe IgA nephropathy, hormone and immune inhibitors are still the main treatment, though large sample long-term follow-up data of evidence-based medicine for different immunosuppressant therapies are still in lack. Although different treatment regimens for IgA nephropa- thy will give patients different benefits and risks, the risk of disease progression is closely related to clinical parameters such as proteinuria, hypertension, and glomerular filtration rate, specific treatment options should be decided according to the actual clinical conditions, and the key to treatment decisions is the assessment of the prognosis.
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