储能电池寿命预测是储能系统研究的一个核心问题,也是研究难点。针对含脉冲负载的独立微电网,功率大范围波动条件下储能电池的选型及当储能设备处于频繁充放电状态,对其循环次数与充放电深度对储能设备寿命的影响进行研究。选择磷酸铁锂电池、铅酸蓄电池、钒液流电池三种常用能量型储能电池进行循环充放电测试,探究其充放电特性,为含脉冲负载的独立微电网储能设备选型提供参考。依照相关标准搭建含储能补偿的微电网实验平台,测得系统运行时储能设备实时荷电状态(Sate Of Charge,SOC)变化曲线,采用雨流计数法对储能电池寿命进行预测,以提高储能电池寿命预测的准确性。
Lifetime prediction of battery is one of the kernels in energy storage technology and it is also a bottlcrogrid witli pulsed load witli the condition of power wide fliactiaations,this paper primary researches the choice of energy storage batery type,the cycle number and charge-discharge depth influence on the energy storage equipment life when the energy storage equipment is maintained in a state of charge-discharge frequently. Selecting three common energy storage batteries for cycle charge-discharge test: the lithiium iron phos-phate bateries, lead-acid bateries,and vanadium flow bateries. And it provides reference for the select ion of isolated mequipment with pulsed load. According to the relevant standard, the m ic ro g r id e x p e r im e n ta l p la t fo rm w i t ! iup,and the real-time SOC curve of the energy storage equipment is measured. The life of the energy storage battery is predicted by the rainflow counting methiod to improve the accuracy of energy storage batery life prediction.
Microcomputer & Its Applications
pulsed load
energy storage battery
rain flow counting method