由詹巴蒂斯塔·诺利(Giambattista Nolli)绘制的《新罗马地图》(1748年)是罗马最重要的历史档案之一,精确而详细地记录了罗马当时的城市和城郊的状况,包含着丰富的信息。地图采用"图底关系"的方式来表达城市形态,体现了对罗马的传统结构、肌理与公共空间特征的认识,被认为是具有重要历史价值和理论意义的经典城市地图。1978年,诺利地图被用作"被打断的罗马"城市设计展览的底图。介绍了诺利地图的精确性、图例、所表达的信息及其所体现的城市内涵,讨论了地图的可操作性价值和对现代城市设计的启示。
The 1748 Map of Rome, La nuova topografia di Roma, by Giambattista Nolli is widely regarded as one of the most important historical documents of the city ever created. The map records the situation of the city and its suburb accurately and contains a wealth of detailed information. Nolli map represents the city's urban form by figure-ground plan and expresses an understanding of the urban structure, urban fabric and public space of Rome. It is regarded as an exemplum of historical and theoretical significance. Nolli map was chosen as the design basis for 'Roma Interrotta' in 1978. This article analyzes the accuracy, icons and information of the map, as well as the urban connotation as it shows, and discusses the map's value as an operative map and its influence on modern city design.
New Architecture