汉西污水处理厂一期工程规模为40×10~4m^3/d,出水水质执行《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918—2002)二级标准,原采用A/O(厌氧/好氧)生物处理工艺。改扩建工程总规模为60×10~4m^3/d,出水水质提升为一级B标准。对一期工程采用降规模(34×10~4m^3/d)运行方式以达到提标要求,同步实施二期扩建工程(26×10~4m^3/d),一、二期污水处理均采用多模式A^2O工艺。试运行结果表明,出水水质优于一级B标准。污水厂污泥处理工程设计规模为325 t/d,采用CTB智能控制好氧发酵技术,发酵周期为20 d;发酵过程采用鼓风机曝气为主、匀翻机匀翻后熟为辅的供氧方式;发酵后的成品作为园林绿化介质土和林地土壤改良剂进行资源化利用。
The design capacity of the first-phase project of Hanxi wastewater treatment plant, e.g. the A/O (anaerobic/aerobic) process, was 40×10^4m^3/d, and the effluent quality was required to meet the second class criteria specified in the Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (GB 18918 -2002). The total treatment capacity of the reconstruction and expansion project is 60×10^4m^3/d, and the effluent standard was upgraded to the first level B criteria. In order to meet the required effluent standard, the capacity of the first-phase project was reduced to 34×10^4m^3/d. And furthermore, the second-phase project (26×10^4m^3/d) was implemented in the same time. The multi-mode A2O process was adopted in two phases projects. The operation results showed the effluent quality was better than the first level B criteria. The treatment capacity of dewatered sludge was 325 t/d. The control technology for biocomposting(CTB) process was used in the sludge treatment, and the composting cycle was 20 d. The blower aeration was adopted to supply oxygen, and the turning machine was used as a supplement. The composting products was used for garden medium soil and amendment for forest land.
China Water & Wastewater
wastewater treatment plant reconstruction and expansion
multi-mode A20 process
sludge aerobic composing