黄山松是亚热带中部山区主要建群种,研究其物种组成及群落结构对探讨中亚热带植被演替规律具有重要意义。戴云山自然保护区分布有大面积黄山松群落,该研究采用网格布点法,建立86块(25.82 m×25.82 m)共5.7 hm^2固定样地,对样地内黄山松群落的物种组成特征、分布区类型、胸径和树高结构、空间分布格局4个方面特征进行了探讨。结果表明:(1)样地内共出现木本植物32 603株219种,隶属于59科108属。乔灌木优势种有黄山松、马尾松、木荷、肿节少穗竹、岩柃、窄基红褐柃等,其中稀有种和偶见种分别占总物种数的33.79%、25.75%和45.21%、24.66%。(2)在区系分布类型上,热带分布类型的科属多于温带分布类型的科属,热带分布类型中又以泛热带分布类型,温带分布类型以北温带占据最大比例。(3)样地内优势种的胸径分布呈倒"J"型,表明更新状态良好。垂直结构上,各优势种树高为倒"J"型或近似倒"J"型。黄山松和其他优势乔木大部分树高为4~10 m,灌木除短尾越桔0~1 m个体数最多外,其他优势灌木1~2 m个体数最多。(4)经计算,样地内乔灌木各优势种均呈聚集分布,聚集程度有所差异,乔木层黄山松最低,灌木层短尾越桔最低。该研究结果表明戴云山保护区黄山松群落物种组成丰富、更新良好,反映了亚热带高山针叶林的典型特征,其空间分布格局可能与取样方式等因素有关。
Pinus taiwanensis is one of the main groups in the Central Subtropical Mountainous Area. Study on the species composition and community structure is of great significance to discuss the succession law of the subtropical vegetation. There is a large area of P. taiwanensis community in Daiyun Mountain Nature Reserve. We established 86 plots (25.82 m ×25.82 m) by using the grid point method,5.7 hm^2 totally, and analyzed characteristics of distribution type, diameter and tree height structure, spatial distribution pattern of P. taiwanensis in the plot. The results were as fol- lows: (1) In the plots there were 32 603 strains of woody plants belonging to 59 families, 108 genera and 219 species. The dominant species of arbor and shrubs layers of P. taiwarwnsis communities were P. rnassoniana, Schima su- perba, Oligostachyum oedogonatum, Eurya groffii, E. rubiginosa et al, accounted for rare species and occasionally spe- cies were 33.79%, 25.75% and 45.21%, 24.66% of the total species. (2) The distribution types of tropical species were more than the temperate distribution types of genera, tropical distribution types were mainly in pan tropical type, and temperate distribution type the north temperate zone was the largest in. (3) The inverted "J" type of DBH showed that the update in good condition. The vertical structure of the dominant tree height also showed inverted "J" type or approxi- mate inverted "J" type. Pinus taiwanensis and other dominant trees' height were 4-10 m. The maximum number of dom- inant shurbs' heigh were 1-2 m, except for Vaccinium carlesii' s. It had a large number of individuals at the heigh of 0- 1 in. (4) It is calculated that the sample of the dominant species are aggregated distribution and they have different ag- gregation degrees. P. taiwanensis is the lowest of tree layer and Vaccinium carlesii is lowest of shrub layer. In general that the species composition wear of P. taiwanensis communities in Daiyun Mountain Nature Reserve is rich and in a go
Pinus taiwanensis community, species composition, DBH & height structure, spatail distribution pattern,Daiyun Mountain