针对目前勘测定界数据处理自动化程度不高这一问题,在Autodesk Map3D平台下进行土地勘测定界图库一体系统的开发。创建了勘界图库一体化的数据组织形式,建立了勘界图库一体化数据处理流程,搭建了勘测定界智能化处理平台,实现了勘测定界土地分类面积自动统计、权属要素自动符号化、图廓自动整饰以及勘界报告自动输出等。
At present,the data processing of land boundary survey is extremely inefficient. This paper introduces a research and development of graph-database configuration system in land boundary survey based on Autodesk Map3 D. It proposes the data organizing form of graph-database configuration,innovates the process of data processing,builds the intelligent platform of data processing,and realizes the automatically outputting of geographical maps and reports.
Urban Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying