本文以硝酸银(AgNO_3)为银源,乙二醇(EG)为还原剂和溶剂,聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)为生长导向剂,氯化铜(CuCl_2)为晶型诱导剂,采用多元醇还原法制取银纳米线。通过SEM、TEM、XRD、XPS和UV-vis等测试方法,分析了银纳米线的生长机制,并探讨了PVP辅助银纳米线定向生长的具体原理。研究结果表明,银纳米结构是在五边孪晶晶种上定向生长为一维的纳米线,PVP中的氧原子会与纳米银表面的银原子产生强烈的相互作用来控制着银纳米线的单向生长过程,并且当PVP与AgNO_3的摩尔浓度比为6时可制取形貌规整、长度超过60 um的银纳米线。
Silver nanowires (AgNWs) was prepared by the polyol process with ethylene glycol as the solvent and reducing agent, silver nitrate(AgNO3 ) as the source of silver, polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) as wire-directing agent, copper chloride (CuCl.)as seed inducer. In addition, the paper studied the growth mechanism and the influence of PVP on the form and size of AgNWs by SEM, TEM, XRD, XPS and UV-vis methods. The experimental results showed that silver nanowires are oriented one-dimensional on five-sided twin crystal seeds. The one-dimensional growth process of the AgNWs was controlled by the strong interaction between the oxygen atoms of PVP and the Ag atoms on the surface of silver nanoparticles, especially under the condition of the mole ratio of PVP and AgNO3 at 6,the AgNWs with uniform form and with length higher than 60um can be produced.
Journal of Chinese Electron Microscopy Society