
贵州草海保护区黑水鸡繁殖生态学观察 被引量:2

Observation on the breeding ecology of common moorhen( Gallinula chloropus) at Guizhou Caohai Nature Reserve
摘要 黑水鸡(Gallinula chloropus)是草海湿地的优势种和指示物种,对其开展繁殖生态学观察有利于对该物种进行科学管理和保护。2015年5-9月,在贵州草海保护区开展了黑水鸡繁殖生态学的研究。结果发现:黑水鸡的繁殖季为5-8月,喜好筑巢于靠近水边的水葱(Scirpus validus)群落中(97.6%),少数巢位于菰(Zizania latifolia)群落中(2.4%)。巢的外径为22.22±3.41 cm、内径13.42±2.22 cm、巢深5.22±1.32 cm、巢高13.90±2.81 cm。巢址特征为:巢上遮蔽度36.25%±35.94%、巢侧遮蔽度28.45%±28.27%、优势植物高度1.07±0.36 m、距离水面水平距离11.02±14.43 cm。黑水鸡的卵长径为42.34±0.13 mm(35.10~49.90,n=220),短径为30.11±0.09 mm(27.56~39.72,n=220),卵重为20.01±0.17 g(15.59~24.37,n=170),窝卵数为5.4±0.3枚(1~11,n=41)。黑水鸡受到的主要威胁为农民捡拾鸟卵,保护区应当重点加强这方面的管理。 Common moorhen( Gallinula chloropus) is the dominant species and indicator species of Caohai Wetland,and observation on its breeding ecology is helpful to the scientific management and protection of the spiecies.From May to September 2015,we studied the breeding ecology of common moorhen in Guizhou Caohai National Nature Reserve.We discovered that the breeding season of the common moorhen was from May to August. Their nests were by the water,mostly in Scirpus validus communities( 97. 6%),and some in Zizania latifolia communities( 2. 4%).The average outside diameter of the nests was 22. 22±3. 41 cm,inside diameter was 13. 42±2. 22 cm,depth was 5. 22±1. 32 cm,and height was 13. 90±2. 81 cm.The coverage over the nests was 36. 25% ±35. 94%,and the coverage around the nests was 28. 45% ±28. 27%.The height of the dominant plants was 1. 07±0. 36 m.The distance between the nests and the water was 11. 02 ± 14. 43 cm. The average long diameter of the eggs was 42. 34 ±0. 13 mm( 35. 10-49. 90,n = 220),short diameter was 30. 11 ± 0. 09 mm( 27. 56-39. 72,n = 220),and weight was20. 01±0. 17 g( 15. 59-24. 37,n = 170). There were 5. 4 ± 0. 3( 1-11,n = 41) eggs in each nest on average. The main threat to the common moorhen was farmers taking away eggs,and the reserve should reinforce the management.
作者 李振吉 刘文 王汝斌 蒋鸿 LI Zhenji LIU Wen WANG Rubin JIANG Hong(Management Committee of Guizhou Caohai National Nature Reserve, Weining 553100, China Guizhou Institute of Biology, Guiyang 550009, China)
出处 《贵州科学》 2017年第4期5-8,共4页 Guizhou Science
基金 贵州省林业厅项目--"外来入侵种-空心莲子草对草海保护区黑水鸡繁殖生态的影响"(黔林科合J字[2012]11号)
关键词 草海 黑水鸡 繁殖 巢址 Caohai common moorhen breeding nest-site
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