
基于线粒体16S rDNA基因序列沼虾属的系统发育研究 被引量:4

Phylogeny of Macrobrachium Species Using Mitochondrial 16S Ribosomal DNA
摘要 为了解沼虾属Macrobrachium各种间的系统发育关系,本文通过PCR方法扩增罗氏沼虾M.rosenbergii线粒体16SrDNA基因片段,并测序。通过比对发现,511个位点中,可变位点178个,简约信息位点162个。在优化的模型中,碱基频率为ηA=0.306 3,ηC=0.065 7,ηG=0.204 6,ηT=0.423 3;替代矩阵为[A-C]=0.042 7,[A-G]=0.248 59,[A-T]=0.028 4,[C-G]=0.032 9,[C-T]=0.629 0,[G-T]=0.018 4;不变位点的比例为0.428 7,变异位点的Gamma参数为0.429 8。在所有物种中,发现转换值高于颠换值,16S基因的转换和颠换未达到饱和。利用贝叶斯法构建了Bayes树,长臂虾属Palaemon与其他沼虾属构成了显著的并系类群。所有的物种聚成3个大的分支,其中马来亚沼虾M.malayanum构成一个大分支,真沼虾M.carcinus、美洲沼虾M.americanum和非洲沼虾M.vollenhovenii构成另一个大的分支,其余32个沼虾品种构成第三大分支。而罗氏沼虾与大和沼虾M.japonicum、南方沼虾M.meridionalis、细额沼虾M.gracilirostre、嘉罗沼虾M.jaroense、霍氏沼虾M.horstii、热带沼虾M.placidulum、拟鳞指沼虾M.lepidactyloides、贪食沼虾M.lar、宽掌沼虾M.latimanus、俄亥俄沼虾M.ohione形成一个群集。 To understand the evolutionary relationship among the Macrobrachiumspecies,mitochondrial partial 16 Sribosomal DNA of M.rosenbergii was amplified and sequenced.By sequence alignment from511 characters,178 characters are variable and 162 characters are parsimony informative.The parameters specified under optimum model were nucleotide frequencies ofηA=0.306 3,ηC=0.065 7,ηG=0.204 6,ηT=0.423 3;reversal rates of change for[A-C]=0.042 7,[A-G]=0.248 59,[A-T]=0.028 4,[C-G]=0.032 9,[C-T]=0.629 0,[G-T]=0.018 4.The proportion of invariant sites was0.428 7,and gamma shape distributionα=0.429 8.No substitution saturation was found as the level of transitional base substitutions was higher than the level of transversions over all genetic distances.Bayes phylogenetic tree was constructed by using Bayesian method.The out group Palaemon formed as paraphyletic to Macrobrachium with significant bootstrap value.Principally all species clustered into 3big clades as their evolutionary relationship,in which,M.malayanum constitute a big clade,M.carcinus,M.americanum and M.vollenhovenii constituted another big clade,and the other 32 Macrobrachium constituted the third big clade.M.rosenbergii,M.japonicum,M.meridionalis,M.gracilirostre,M.jaroense,M.horstii,M.placidulum,M.lepidactyloides,M.lar,M.latimanus and M.ohione formed one cluster.
出处 《广西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第3期133-140,共8页 Journal of Guangxi Normal University:Natural Science Edition
基金 广西科学研究与技术开发计划项目(桂科能14121008-4-1) 国家现代农业产业技术体系广西罗非鱼创新团队建设项目(nycytxgxcxtd-08-01)
关键词 沼虾属 线粒体DNA 16S RDNA 系统发生 Macrobrachium mitochondrial DNA 16S rDNA molecular phylogeny
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