采用不同基质培养红桦(Betula albo-sinensis Burk.)苗木,观察不同处理对容器苗生物量和地下部根系指标的影响,以期为红桦基质容器育苗提供理论依据。试验设定4个处理,分别是:常规营养土(CK),木耳废弃菌棒+落叶松松针腐殖质+蛭石混合物(Z1),玉米腐熟穗芯+落叶松松针腐殖质+蛭石混合物(Z2),草炭土+落叶松松针腐殖质+蛭石混合物(Z3)。结果表明Z1处理下,根系的比根长、总表面积和总根尖数最大,分别比CK提高了29.7%、49%和87%。根系直径表现为Z2最粗,为0.73cm,是对照的2.13倍。Z3根、茎、叶和总质量的干质量均最大,分别比CK提高了1.37倍、2.41倍、0.88倍和1.24倍。可见木耳废弃菌棒+落叶松松针腐殖质+蛭石的育苗基质有利于根系的发育,而草炭土+落叶松松针腐殖质+蛭石的育苗基质有利于干质量的增加,最有利于红桦的生长。考虑到草炭土价格较贵,且不可再生,所以,建议推广木耳废弃菌棒+落叶松松针腐殖质+蛭石的红桦育苗基质。
Using different medium in container,the effects of different treatments on betula platyphylla seedling biomass and root index are observed,to provide a theoretical basis for the breeding them.The test has 4 treatments matierals:nutrient soil(CK),a mixture of fungus waste bacteria stick+larch needles humus+ vermiculite(Z1),a mixture of corn ear maturity core+larch humus+vermiculite+pine needles(Z2),a mixture of peat+vermiculite+ pine needles of larch humus(Z3).The results show that the length,total surface area and total root number maximum of Z1 treatment is most wonderful,which respectively increased by 29.7%,49% and 87% than CK.The most coarse diameter of root is Z2(0.73cm),which is about 2.13 times that of the control.The root,stem and leaf weight and dry weight are the largest of Z3,which is higher 1.37 times,2.41 times,0.88 times and 1.24 times than CK.So the substrate of fungus waste bacteria stick +larch needles humus+ was beneficial to the development of root system,and substrate turfy soil+ vermiculite+ pine larch humus was conducive to the increase in dry weight,the most conducive to the growth of white birch.Taking into account the peat soil is more expensive,and non renewable,so,the substrate of fungus waste bacteria stick +larch needles humus+ vermiculite can be used as the light container medium.
Forest Science and Technology