
我国倾倒变形体发育规律研究 被引量:12

Development Rules of Toppling Deformation Slopes in China
摘要 倾倒变形体发育规律研究在倾倒变形防治规划及水电工程选址中具有重要意义。统计国内的倾倒变形体,有助于分析我国倾倒变形体发育规律。根据倾倒变形体的分布提出倾倒变形体区域地质易发性分区研究范围,选取地貌、地层时代、地震烈度、构造应力分布为影响因子,针对倾倒变形体进行区域地质易发性区划评价。选择在西部地区发育的11条主要河流上的水电工程倾倒变形体进行地理位置易发性区划评价,分析不同等级中倾倒变形体分布特点与发育要素(岩性、坡高、坡角、发育高程、水平及垂直发育深度)的对应关系。结果表明:倾倒变形体主要分布在四川、青海、云南3省;横断山脉"极大、大起伏高山"区属于倾倒变形体地质极易发区;雅砻江中游、澜沧江中上游、黄河上游、大渡河上游、岷江上游等河流属于倾倒变形体地理位置易发性较高区段。通过此研究,可为西南倾倒变形体防治规划及水电工程选址提供一定的参考依据。 Researches on the development ru le of toppling deformation slopes is of great significance in preventionplanning for toppling deformation an d site selection for hydropower p ro je c ts. And sta t is t ic a l the analysis of toppling deformation slopes in C h in a. In th is a r t ic le , th e west region study area in view^ of the dis tribut ion of to ppling deformation s lo p e s. Four in f lu en cin g factors a re se le c ted for geo-graphical susceptibility zoning eva lua tion , namely landform , s trat ig rap h ic age , seismic in ten sity an d tectonic stress distribution. Toppling deformation slopes of 11 rivers in west China a re tak en as examples for th e evaluation of geo-graphical position suscept ibi l i ty. The relations between d istrib u t io n fea tu re s an d development factors ( l i th o lo g y,slope height , slope angle , elevation , horizontal d ep th an d ver tical d e p th) a re reve aled ac cording to th e zoning r e-sults .Results show^ that 1) toppling deformation slopes mainly exist in Sichuan , Qinghai an d Yunnan p ro v in c e s; 2) Hengduan Mountains with extremely large an d large h eav es belong to th e zone of extrareas of high susceptibility a re lo c ated in th e middle re a ch of Yalong River , th e middlecang River , the upstream of Yellow River , Dadu River an d Minjiang R iv e r. The re se a rch resu lts offer re feren c e forprevention planning of toppling deformation an d site selection for hydropow^er projec ts in
出处 《长江科学院院报》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第8期111-119,共9页 Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute
基金 中国电建集团成都勘测设计研究院有限公司科技项目(P225-2014)
关键词 倾倒变形体 区域地质 西部水电工程 地理位置 易发性 发育规律 toppling deformation s lope regional geology hydropower projec ts in west C h in a g eographical p o s i-tion suscept ibi l i ty development rule
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