To s tudy the inf lu en ce of reduc t ion temperature on the p er formanc e of Pt/PTFE/ foam SiC structured hydrophobic catalyst, 200, 225 , 250, 275 , 300 °C w ere chosen as th e reduction temperatures to prepare the different catalysts. The as-prepared catalysts were characterized by dynamic contact angle measurement, XRD, XPS, TEM, etc, moreover, their catalytic activity for LPCE was tested. Result shows that reduction temperature has no effect on the catalyst hydrophobicity. Bad dispersion and obvious aggregation are observed in the catalysts reduced by 200 °C and 225 °C. Amo n g th e five c a ta ly s t s , th e c a ta ly s t red u ced by 275 °C has the le a s t size dis t r ibut ion an d the sma l le s t av erag e pa r t icle size of Pt par t ic les .Three valences, Pt(0) , P t( II ) and P t( IV ) exist in these catalysts, and P t(0) is the key for catalytic isotope exchange. P t(0) proportion of the catalyst reduced by 275 〇C is the highest of the five ones. The catalytic activity of the catalyst reduced b y 275 °C is also the highest for LPCE among these catalysts. Thus 275 °C is the best one of the chosen reduction tempera-tures for Pt/PTFE/foam SiC.
Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemistry