网络对大学生的心理健康与发展的影响是多层次、多角度和多方面的 ,呈现出积极与消极同时并存交错影响的复杂状态 ,因此 ,高校心理健康教育工作者应理智认识网络的挑战和影响 ,采取相应对策 ,防止和减少网络对大学生心理健康的负面影响 。
The influence of Internet upon students' psychology has many different levels, different angles, and different aspects. The interaction of its positive and negative sides makes the situation even more complicated. Therefore, the psychological educators in universities and colleges should realize the challenges and the effects of Internet. They must adopt the corresponding measures to prevent and reduce the negative influences of internet on university students' psychology so as to maintain and promote the students' psychological health.