苗疆尊神白帝天王的神判权威性合成要素之一为苗民与日俱增的阶级意识和阶级斗争观念。乾嘉苗民起义逼令清廷改施“以苗治苗”之策及设置苗官制。苗官对苗族社会生活的直接干预蕴酿并激活了苗民的阶级意识、阶级斗争的新情状 。
One of the most important factors in the formation of the authority of Baiditianwan,Heavenly King worshipped by the miao people,was the Miao people's growing class conscionsness and class struggle concept.The Qianjia Miao Peasants Uprising forced the Qing goverment to employ a new policy of 'letting Miao rule Miao' and follow a system of appointing native Miao officials.Those officials,by directly interfering with the livelihood of the Miao society,activated the Miao People's class consciousness and promoted the formation of their deity authority.
Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)