针对循环流化床锅炉布风板风帽、导风管长周期运行造成的大面积磨损问题,笔者根据布风板阻力计算模型和管径原始参数,分析了阻力变化对布风均匀性及密相区温度场变化的影响,提出导风管大管径套小管径的布风板改造方式,解决了长期运行布风均匀性差、偏床调整困难、床温分布不均、风室漏灰严重问题,缩短了改造工期。经实际运行验证,该布风板改造方法提高了布风板阻力,改善了改造前阻力低于设计值的情况,保证了布风均匀,使密相区温度较改造前降低15℃,有效降低了NOx的生成量,同时风室漏灰的改善有效地降低了一次风机的出力,年节电量265万k W·h。
Aiming at the mass abrasion of air distribution plate blast cap and wind guide pipe in CFB cause long - term operation, this paper analyzed, on the basis of the calculation model of air distribution plate resistance and the initial parameters of pipe diameter, the influence of resistance change on the uniformity of air distribution and the change of dense phase temperature field, proposed the transformation plan for the air distribution plate with the small - diameter wind guide pipe covered by the large - diameter one, and solved the problems of the air distri-bution plate in long - term operation, including the poor uniformity, the difficult in adjusting bed leaning, the une-ven distribution of bed temperature, and the serious leakage of ash in air compartment, so as to reduce the transfor- mation period and quantity. The practical operation proves that the method proposed is able to enhance air distribu-tion plate resistance, which is below the designed value before the transformation, and guarantee the uniformity of air distribution, lower the dense phase temperature by 15T!. By this method, the formation amount of NO^ is effec-tively reduced, at the mean time, the output of the primary air fan is lowered by improving the ash leakage in air compartment, with the annual energy saving of 265 million kW·h.
Heilongjiang Electric Power
transformation of wind guide pipe
air distribution performance
resistance of air distribution plate