目的探讨原发性肺淋巴瘤(PPL)的螺旋CT表现,提高其诊断准确率。方法回顾性分析18例经病理证实的原发性肺淋巴瘤的临床及胸部CT资料。结果 CT平扫表现为单发肺结节4例,肿块8例,实变3例,多发片状模糊影及网格影3例,伴随征象主要有充气支气管征12例,病变周围晕征(肺间质浸润)16例,伴有胸腔积液4例;12例行CT增强检查,10例均匀强化,CT值平均增加40HU,2例不均匀强化。结论 PPL的CT表现多种多样,缺乏特异性,常见的征象为结节或肿块内伴有充气支气管征及病灶周围晕征;临床症状与影像学表现不成比例,抗炎治疗随访病灶无缩小趋势,提示PPL的诊断;疾病最终确诊需依赖病理结果。
Objective To study the spiral CT findings of primary pulmonary lymphoma (PPL), in order to improve the diagnostic accuracy.Methods CT datas of 18 patients with confirmed PPL with pathology were retrospectively analyzed.Results Pulmonary lesions were depicted as solitary nodule in 4 patients, mass in 8 patients, segmental consolidation in 3 and multiple patchy opacities in 3 patients.Associated findings were air bronchogram (n=12), a halo of ground glass shadow around lesion margins (n=16) and pleural effusions (n=4).The lesions were shown homogenous enhancement in 10 cases who received contrasted CT scan, CT value increased 40 HU.The lesions of other 2 cases after contrast CT scan were demonstrated heterogeneous enhancement.Conclusion The CT signs of PPL can be quite variable which are lack of specificity.Common imaging features of PPL include air bronchogram and halo sign in the nodule and mass.These two characters are suggestive of the PPL diagnosis which include that CT signs are out of proportion to the clinical manifestation and the lesion volume is not decreased after anti-inflammatory therapy.Pathologic examination is needed to establish the diagnosis.
Journal of Medical Imaging