
美国早期华人的性别形象建构——以《女勇士》与《中国佬》为镜像 被引量:1

The Construction of Early Chinese Americans' Gender Image in The Woman Warrior and China Men
摘要 汤亭亭的《女勇士》和《中国佬》是两部传记性长篇作品,其共同主题是追叙和解码美国早期华人的性别形象建构问题。透过朱迪斯·巴特勒的"性别操演"理论的棱镜,村子里的男女长辈实际上是传统性别形象的代言人,而在查尔斯·泰勒的"承认的政治"观以及南希·伊斯特林的认知生态批评观的视域下,移民美国后的长辈在异国他乡所经历的痛苦及取得的成就既体现了早期华人在面对来自各方面的巨大冲击时对传统性别形象的解构,也在一定意义上表征了其对性别形象的重塑。通过揭示美国早期华人如何进行性别形象建构,汤亭亭实际上是在探究移民在多元文化社会的生存之道。 The Woman Warrior and China Men, two autobiographical works by Maxine Hong Kingston, have one theme in common, namely, the construction of early Chinese Americans' gender image. Through the lens of Judith Butler's view of "gen- der as performance," the predecessors in the village may be regarded as spokespeople of traditional gender images. And from the perspective of Charles Taylor's "politics of recognition" and Nancy Easterlin's cognitive ecocriticism, the early Chinese Americans' suffering and success in America could reflect, on one hand, their deconstruction of former gender images and, on the other hand, their reconstruction of new images while confronting the huge impact of different cultures. Through disclosing the construction of early Chinese Amerieans' gender image, the novelist probes into the survival strategy of immigrants living in a multicultural society.
作者 龙娟 刘蓓蓓
出处 《当代外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期50-56,共7页 Contemporary Foreign Literature
基金 国家社科基金一般项目"20世纪美国文学中的环境记忆主题研究"(16BWW008) 国家社科重大招标项目"20世纪美国文学思想研究"(14ZDB088)的阶段性成果
关键词 《女勇士》 《中国佬》承认的政治 性别操演 性别形象 The Woman Warrior, China Men, politics of recognition, gender as performance, gender image
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