川科1井是川西深层海相雷口坡组气藏的第一口含硫化氢天然气井,采用络合铁脱硫工艺技术,现场采气、净化、外输动设备较多,在日常运行中存在噪音超标现象。为抑制噪音,针对富液再生、硫磺回收及加热炉节流等三大噪音源分布区,提出吸音与隔音相结合的治理思路,采取修建具有隔音、吸音效果的隔音房,加装固定式隔音罩,建立隔音屏障等措施。结果表明,井站白天噪音平均值由60.20d B(A)降到52.80d B(A),夜间噪音平均值由58.00d B(A)降到48.68d B(A),达到了《工业企业厂界环境噪声排放标准》(GB 12348—2008)2类排放标准。噪音控制不仅与吸音、隔音材料有关,还受材料厚度的影响,今后在开展类似噪音治理时,应对吸音、隔音材料的厚度进行优化研究。隔音材料的隔音效果及吸音层的吸音效果是否会随着使用时间的延长而减弱,还有待观察。
Well Chuankel is the first hydrogen sulfide-beating natural gas one in the marine gas reservoir of Leikoupo Formation in deep zones of western Sichuan.Chelated iron desulphurization process was adopted. More rotary machinery equipments for the gas recovery,purification and transporting in the field bring over standard of noise during daily operation.The combination of sound absorption and sound insulation was put forward to control the noise in three noise resource areas including the areas of fluid enrichment regenera- tion, sulfur recovery and heating furnace throttle.Soundproof room with the effect of sound insulation and sound absorption may be built.Fixed soundproof shade may be installed and noise barrier may be built.After these measures,the results show that average noise value in the day at the station dropped from 60.20dB(A) to 52.80dB(A),and that at night dropped from 58.00dB(A) to 48.68dB(A),which is up to the standard of Type 2 emission standard of Emission Standard for Industrial Enterprises Noise at Boundary (GB 12348--2008). The noise control is related to not only the material of sound absorption and sound insulation,but also the material thickness.In the future of noise abatement,the material thickness of the sound absorption and sound insulation should be optimized.It still remains to be seen whether the effect of insulation and absorption of the material will be weakened along with the time.
Sino-Global Energy
Well Chuankel
noise source
noise abatement
sound absorption
sound insulation