
鲍曼不动杆菌外排泵基因与菌株多药耐药关系的研究 被引量:7

Investigation of the relationship between efflux genes of Acinetobacter baumannii and its drug resistance
摘要 目的分析鲍曼不动杆菌耐药情况及外排泵基因分布情况,为临床感染治疗及耐药性控制提供指导。方法收集本院各科室送检的患者样本,对菌株进行分离培养,经全自动细菌鉴定仪鉴定出鲍曼不动杆菌110株,采用K-B法对菌株耐药性进行分析,用PCR扩增法对菌株外排泵基因分布情况进行检测。结果 110株鲍曼不动杆菌中分离自ICU 41株,呼吸内科25株,神经外科15株,心脏外科12株,肿瘤科9株以及其他科室8株,分别占37.27%、22.73%、13.64%、10.91%、8.18%和7.27%。各科室鲍曼不动杆菌的分离率分别为40.20%、25.77%、23.81%、21.05%、16.36%、和7.77%。自痰液标本75株,导管标本12株,血液标本8株,尿液标本6株,引流液标本4株,其他标本5株,分别占68.18%、10.91%、7.27%、5.45%、3.64%和4.55%;不同标本的分离率分别为38.66%、15.58%、15.09%、13.04%、9.52%和7.69%。鲍曼不动杆菌对环丙沙星、诺氟沙星、卡那霉素、利福平、四环素、红霉素、亚胺培南和美罗培南等常用抗菌药物的耐药率分别为50.91%、49.09%、63.64%、37.27%、77.27%、81.82%、20.91%和26.36%。adeA基因+adeB基因、adeB基因+adeC基因、adeA基因+adeB基因+adeC基因、mdfA基因+adeA基因+adeB基因+adeC基因、qacE△1基因+adeA基因+adeB基因+adeC基因、mdfA基因+qacE△1基因+adeA基因+adeB基因+adeC基因的检测率分别为1.82%、3.64%、44.55%、25.45%、10.91%和8.18%。结论鲍曼不动杆菌对常用抗菌药物均产生了不同程度的耐药性,可能与菌株携带外排泵基因有关。 Objective To analyze the drug resistance of A. baumannii and the distribution of its efflux genes in order to guide clinical treatment of infections and to control its drug resistance. Methods Samples were collected from patients in different departments and sent to the laboratory. Strains were isolated and cultured. One hundred and ten strains of A. baumannii were identified by an automated microbial analyzer. The drug resistance of strains was analyzed using the K-B method, and the distribution of efflux genes was detected using PCR amplification.. Results Of 110 strains of A. bau- mannii, 41 (37.27%) were isolated from the ICU, 25 (22.73%) were isolated from Respiratory Medicine, 15 (13.64%) were isolated from Neurosurgery, 12 (10.91%) were isolated from Cardiac Surgery, 9 (8.18%) were isolated from On- cology, and 8 (7. 27%) were isolated from other departments. A. baumannii was isolated from the ICU at a rate of 40.20 %, from Respiratory Medicine at a rate of 25.77 %, from Neurosurgery at a rate of 23.81%, from Cardiac Surgery at a rate of 21.05%, from Oncology at a rate of 16.36%, and from other departments at a rate of 7.77%. Strains were isolated from 75 sputum samples (accounting for 68. 18% of strains), from 12 catheter samples (10.91% of strains), from 8 blood samples (7.27% of strains), from 6 urine samples (5.45% of strains), from 4 drainage liquid samples (3.64%0), and from 5 other types of samples (4.55% of strains). A. baumannii was isolated from sputum samples at a rate of 38.66%, from catheter samples at a rate of 15.58%, from blood samples at a rate of 15.09%, from 6 urine sam- ples at a rate of 13. 04%, from 4 drainage liquid samples at a rate of 9.52%, and from 5 other types of samples at a rate of 7.69%. The resistance of A. baumannii to commonly used antibiotics was determined. Its resistance to ciprofloxacin was 50.91%, its resistance to norfloxacin was 49.09%, its resistance to kanamycin was 63.64%, its resistance to rifam- picin was 37.27%,
出处 《中国病原生物学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第7期685-688,共4页 Journal of Pathogen Biology
关键词 鲍曼不动杆菌 外排泵基因 耐药性 PCR扩增 Acinetobacte rbaumannii efflux genes; drug resistance PCR amplification
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