
中医药治疗失眠研究简况 被引量:34

The Brief Introduction of Traditional Chinese Clinic Treatments Medicine on Insomnia
摘要 失眠不是一个单纯简单疾病,单纯控制症状,即使指标改善,也难以达到治疗目的。中药治疗:虚证,扶阳抑阴、运转枢机-乌菟汤、十味温胆汤、归脾汤;火扰心神-大补阴丸、二阴煎、龙胆泻肝汤、丹栀逍遥散、黄连温胆汤、六味地黄丸;痰浊上犯,阻遏心窍,扰动心神-温胆肠加枣仁;瘀阻脉络,心失所养,失眠胶着难愈-血府逐瘀汤、逐瘀安神汤;失眠与情志变化最为相关,情志抑郁-逍遥散、柴胡加龙骨牡蛎汤。辅助疗法有针灸、耳针、耳穴压豆、埋线、推拿按摩等。中医药治疗可规避西药缺点,经验总结多,创新治疗方式及手段、新理念少。国外针灸、耳针研究多单纯、片面、表浅及固化,缺乏辨证论治理念。针灸及相关辅助疗法无毒副作用,更适用原发性失眠及顽固性失眠;耳针效果微弱,穴位埋线效果及持效程度优于体针。临床离不开辨证论治,应重调理轻指标,重治本轻治标;治疗原发疾病,辅以抗失眠类中药调理效果更佳;针药结合为未来主攻方向,既有利于原发疾病治疗,又可规避药物毒副作用,减轻耐受性、依赖性及反跳现象。 Insomnia disorder is not purely a simple disease to be cured just by controlling the symptoms even if it is hard to achieve therapeutic purposes when indicators improved. Chinese medicine treatment: deficiency syndrome were treated by Wu Tu soup,Ten flavour wendan decoction and Guipi decoction with supporting Yang and suppressing Yin and cardinal operation effects; Invasion mind by Huo were treated by Greatly tonifying Yin pill, Er Yin decoctum, Longdan Xiegan decoction, Dan Zhi xiaoyao powder, Huanglian wendan decoction and Liu Wei Di Huang Pill; Phlegm turbidity repression and disturbance on mind were treated by Wendan decoction with Jujube kernel; Vein blood stasis resistance and heart losing nourishmen along with insomnia were treated by Xuefuzhuyu decoction, Zhuyuanshen decoction; Insomnia was intimately connected with emotions depression and could be treated by Xiaoyao san, Longgumuli decoction with radix bupleuri.Complementary therapy was as such acupuncture,auriculotherapy, auricular point with seeds, catgut embedding therapy and massage etc. Summary of experience was more but innovative treatment ways and means were less about how traditional Chinese medicine treatments could avoid defection of western medicine.Foreign literatures about acupuncture and auriculotherapy were lack of excellent management thoughts with simple, one-sided and solidfied mode.Complementary therapy such as acupuncture was suitable for primary insomnia and stubborn insomnia for its'non-toxic side effects; Auriculotherapy had a weak effect and catgut embedding therapy was effective than body acupuncture.Clinic treatment should pay more attention to accommodation and root than indicators; Traditional Chinese herbs anti-insomnia with basic diseases treatment work more effectively; It is a direction to combine acupuncture and herbs for on the one hand it benefit the treatments of basic diseases on the other hand it avoid side effects so that less tolerance,dependence and rebound phenomenon occur.
作者 孙延娜
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2017年第7期85-88,共4页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
基金 辽宁省科技厅科技攻关计划(No:2014226035) 辽宁省自然科学基金面上项目(No:20170540633)~~
关键词 失眠 鸟菟汤 十味温胆汤 归脾汤 大补阴丸 二阴煎 龙胆泻肝汤 丹栀逍遥散 连温胆汤 六味地黄丸 温胆肠加枣仁 涤痰汤 血府逐瘀汤 逐瘀安神汤 逍遥散 柴胡加龙骨牡蛎汤 针灸 耳针 耳穴压豆 埋线 推拿按摩 中医药治疗 insomnia Xu Huo Tan Yu Wutu decoction Ten flavour wendan decoction Guipi decoction Greatly tonifying Yin pill Eryin decoctum Longdan Xiegan decoction Danzhi xiaoyao powder Huanglianwendan decoction Liuwei Dihuang pill Wendan decoction with Jujube kernel Ditan decoction Xuefuzhuyu decoction Zhuyuanshen decoction Xiaoyao san Longgumuli decoction with radix bupleuri acupuncture auriculotherapy auricular point with seeds catgut embedding therapy massage traditional Chinese medicine and herbs
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