笋螺科(Family Terebridae)是腹足类软体动物中种类较多的一个科,总共有300种左右,遍及世界各海洋,尤以印度—太平洋热带海域最为丰富。我国近海的笋螺科种类主要产于南海,有些种也出现在东海,仅个别种见于黄、渤海区。它们生活于潮间带至水深200多米的海区,但多栖息于百米之内的浅海沙滩或沙泥质、泥质海底,通常白天潜居其下、夜晚爬出活动。据记载这一科种类的化石多发现于第三纪的始新世、中新世和上新世。
This paper deals with the species of the family Terebridae of the China coasts. The materials studied comprise 772 samples collected by the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica,during the period 1950-1993. About 2458 specimens were obtained,69 species were identified. Of these, 33 species (marked with asterisk)are first records for China. These species are as follows:1. Terebra areolata(Link)Z.Terebra subulata(Linnaeus)3. Terebra guttata(Roeding)4. Terebra dimidiata(Linnaeus)5. Terebra crenulata(Linnaeus)6. Terebra argus Hinds7. Terebra maculata(Linnaeus)8. Terebra chlorata Lamarck9. Terebra felina(Dillwyn)10. Terebra troendlei Bratcher 11.Terebra cerithina Lamarck12. Terebra laevigate Gray13. Terebra funiculata Hinds14. Terebra stearnsii Pilsbry 15.Terebra anilis(Roeding)16. Terebra lima Deshayes17. Terebra pretiosa Reeve18. Terebra cumingii Deshayes19. Terebra triseriata Gray20. Terebra boucheti Bratcher 21. Terebra fenestrata Hinds22. Terebra nodularis Deshayes23. Terebra bathyrhaphe Smith24. Terebra bifrons Hinds25. Terebra miranda(Smith) 26. Terebra albida Gray 27. Terebra affinis Gray28. Terebra columellaris Hinds 29. Terebra nebulosa Sowerby30. Terebra undulata Gray31. Terebra paucistriata(Smith)32. Terebra japonica Smith33. Terebra arabella Thiele34. Terebra caliginosa Deshayes35. Terebra plumbea Quoy and Gaimard36. Terebra tiurensis Schepman37. Terebra cinctella Deshayes 38. Terebra turrita(Smith)39. Terebra trismacaria Melvill 40. Terebra textilis Hinds41. Terebra polygyrata Deshayes42. Terebra turschi Bratcher43. Terebra fijiensis (Smith) 44. Terebra fortunei Deshayes45.Terebra tantilla (Smith)46. Terebra padangensis Thiele47. Terebra nassoides Hinds48. Terebra reunionensis Bratcher and Cernohorsky 49. Hastula strigilata (Linnaeus)50. Hastula acumen (Deshayes)51. Hastula matheroniana (Deshayes)52. Hastula rufopunctata (Smith)53. Hastula lanceata (Linnaeus)54. Hastula penicillata(Hinds)55. Hastula albula(Menke)56. Hastula (Impages)koreana(Yoo)57. Hastula (Impages)anomala(Gray)58. Hastula (Impages)ba
Studia Marina Sinica