目的探索检测1~3岁正常儿童水平方位声源定位能力的方法,获得1~3岁正常儿童水平方位0°角度辨别阈值(minimum audible angle,MAA),即MAA(0°)。方法在标准测听室内,利用声源定位测试仪和Conera听力计,采用视觉强化测听或游戏测听和角度辨别阈测试相结合的方法,对37例1~7岁儿童进行水平方位500、1 000及4 000Hz的0°角度辨别阈值[MAA(0°)]测试。结果 37例受试儿童都完成了1 000Hz的测试,35例完成了500Hz的测试,30例完成了4 000Hz的测试(1~3岁、4~7岁各15例)。1~3岁组500、1 000、4 000Hz MAA(0°)分别为5.03°±2.96°、3.57°±1.35°、5.40°±2.86°,4~7岁组分别为3.50°±2.17°、3.56°±1.48°、6.13°±4.09°,两组间各频率MAA(0°)差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);1~3岁组内三个频率间MAA(0°)差异无统计学意义;4~7岁组内500Hz与1 000Hz MAA(0°)差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),4 000Hz MAA(0°)大于1 000Hz及500Hz,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论采用视觉强化测听或游戏测听和角度辨别阈测试相结合的方法可评估1~3岁正常儿童水平方位声源定位能力;刺激声频率对儿童声源定位测试结果有影响,1~3岁与4~7岁正常儿童水平方位声源定位能力差异无统计学意义。
Objective To explore a method of detecting the horizontal localization ability in normal children aged 1~3 years old,and to obtain the minimum audible angle(MAA)at horizontal 0° degree in these children.Methods Using minimum audible angle measure procedure on the basis of conditioned play audiometry and behavioral audiometry methods,sound localization test at horizontal 0°degree was conducted in 37 children aged from 1 to 7 years old with stimulus of different frequencies.Results All 37 children completed the 1 000 Hz tests,35 children completed the 500 Hz tests,and 30 children completed the 4 000 Hz test.An analysis of 30 children who completed all the tests was performed,15 of them aged 1~3 years old and the rest aged 4~7 years old.The results for children aged 1~3 years old were as below:1 000 Hz MAA(0°)= 3.57°±1.35°,500 Hz MAA(0°)=5.03°±2.96°,and 4 000 Hz MAA(0°)= 5.4°±2.86°,respectively.The results for children aged 4~7 years old were as below:1 000 Hz MAA(0°)=3.56°±1.48°,500 Hz MAA(0°)=3.5°±2.17°,and 4 000 Hz MAA(0°)=6.13°±4.09°,respectively.There was no significant difference in MAA(0°)at corresponding frequencies between the two groups.For the children aged 1~3 years old,there was no significant difference in MAA(0°)among 500 Hz,1 000 Hz and 4 000 Hz frequencies.For the children aged 4~7 years old,there was significant difference in MAA(0°)between 500 Hz and 4 000 Hz as well as between 1 000 Hz and 4 000 Hz frequencies.However,there was no significant difference in MAA(0°)between 500 Hz and 1 000 Hz frequencies.Conclusion MAA test procedure on the basis of conditioned behavioral audiometry and play audiometry could be used to evaluate the ability of sound localization in 1~3 years old children.The frequencies may have effects on children's sound localization test results and there was no significant difference in MAA(0°) between the 1~3 years old group and the 4~7 years age group.
Journal of Audiology and Speech Pathology
Sound localization
Minimum audible angle(MAA)
Behavioral audiometry