

On the Themes and Aesthetics of “Silly Words in a Bamboo House” of Gao Guang-guo,a Poet in the Southern Song Dynasty
摘要 高观国是南宋中期一位杰出的词人,有词集《竹屋痴语》存世。其现存词作的题材主要有恋情词、咏怀词、咏物词和贺寿词四大类型。这些词作有的抒发词人羁旅之思,感叹身世坎坷,有的反映社会现实生活,可谓内容异常广泛。高观国亦大量创作咏物词,一切细微之物似乎均能入词歌咏,他的咏物之作不仅数量多,且风格独具特色,自立面目,对咏物词的发展贡献颇著。从艺术风格层面看,竹屋词承传姜白石词风,甚至有意模仿其词的艺术风格,喜用"冷""寒""冰"等字,善于营造阴冷沉寂的意境;受"骚雅词派"的硬派,在创作中喜欢化用典故,且用典呈现重复性的特点;同时对景物刻画细致入微,善于将情感注入意象之中。高观国是姜夔所开创的"骚雅词派"的羽翼与重要代表词人,在对白石词承传与模仿的基础上,对艺术手法和风格进行了创新,是南宋词坛上的重要词人。 Silly Words in a Bamboo House” is a collection of poems by Gao Guanguo, an outstanding poet in the mid-Southern Song Dynasty. Gao^s poems are famous for their themes of love, feelings, chanting objects and celebrating birthdays. His poems cover a large variety of aspects of life, namely, homesick during journeys, reflection on one^s pathetic life, and reflection on social reality. He also wrote many poems chanting objects. It seems that everything could be chanted in his poems. His object-chanting works are all with unique styles and have made great contribution to the development of these poems. From the perspective of art style, bamboo house poems have inherited the styles of Jiang Kui and Bai J u -y i, imitating their styles, using words like “ leng” , “ han” , “ bing ” , and creating cold silent mood. Moreover, his poems are also influenced by “ the elegancy school”, using a lot of repeated allusions. Besides,he depicts objects vividly and subtly,pouring his own feelings into the images. Gao Guan-guo, a very important representative poet ( a wing poet) of Jiang Kui、“ elegancy school” ,inherits and imitates Jiang Kui^sPoems of White Stones, innovates aesthetic styles, and is a very import poet in the Southern Song Dynasty.
作者 于帅帅
机构地区 河北大学文学院
出处 《大庆师范学院学报》 2017年第4期110-114,共5页 Journal of Daqing Normal University
关键词 高观国 《竹屋痴语》 题材类型 艺术美 Gao Guan-guo Silly Words in a Bamboo House theme artistic characteristics
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