本文系统描述了大连骆驼山金远洞第四层(L4)出土的熊科化石材料,并简要回顾了中国的似埃楚斯堪熊(Ursus cf. etruscus)化石材料。通过系统比较,认为金远洞L4和之前中国北方早更新世被归入Ursus cf. etruscus的材料(陕西蓝田公王岭的除外)同属于一类熊类,这种熊类和欧洲的埃楚斯堪熊(U. etruscus)最为接近,但又表现出一些独特的特征,因此建立一新亚种,即东方埃楚斯堪熊(U. e. orientalis subsp. nov.)。U. e. orientalis subsp. nov. 比欧洲早更新世早期的圣瓦利埃埃楚斯堪熊(U. e. saintvallierensis)更加进步,而和早更新世中期欧洲的埃楚斯堪熊指名亚种(U. e. etruscus)以及西亚的维氏埃楚斯堪熊(U. e. verescagini)演化程度近似,但个体大小明显小于这两个亚种。U. e. orientalis subsp. nov. 表现出一些和棕熊(U. arctos)近似的特征,如p4后内嵴明显内偏,可能为U. arctos的祖先。U. e. orientalis subsp. nov. 和中国南方的亚洲黑熊(U. thibetanus)虽然属于不同支系,但在牙齿适应和个体大小上较为近似,可能有着相似的生态位,相互之间较为排斥。这可能是U. thibetanus和U. e. orientalis subsp. nov. 呈现出南北分异格局的重要原因。
Most Early Pleistocene Ursus materials in Northern China has been assigned to Ursus cf. etruscus. The taxonomic status of this bear is controversial and no conclusion has been drawn so far due to the scant of materials of this bear. In this paper, the new fossil materials of Ursus from the Forth layer(L4)of the Jinyuan Cave, Luotuo Hill(39°23'59.01"N, 121°41'20.28"E; altitude 50~80m)in Dalian are described. Luotuo Hill is located at Fuzhouwan in Dalian, Liaoning Province. Numerous fossil specimens have been excavated recently, with more than 59 species so far. L4 is the major layer that produces large amount of fossils. Based on these new materials from Jinyuan Cave L4, a brief review of Ursus cf. etruscus records from China is made. Ursus materials from the Jinyuan Cave L4 and materials previously referred to Ursus cf. etruscus from Northern China(except materials from Gongwangling, Lantian, which belong to Ursus thibetanus)belong to the same type, which is most close to European U. etruscus but with some differences(e. g. smaller size, weak p4 accessory cusps, shorter rostrum). Thus the bear is erected here as a new subspecies:U. e. orientalis subsp. nov. U. e. orientalis subsp. nov. represents the most eastern clade of the species so far known. It is more derived than early Early Pleistocene U. e. saintvallierensis from Europe in several characters(e.g. the entoconid ridge of m1 is more anteriorly extended), but has similar evolution level to U. e. etruscus and U. e. verescagini, though the size is considerably smaller than the latter two subspecies. U. e. orientalis subsp. nov. shares some similarities with U. arctos compared with other subspecies(e.g. weak accessory cusps in p4, non-elongated rostrum), which might indicate its close relationship with U. arctos. Based on morphological similarities of materials from L4 of the Jinyuan Cave to bears from Xiashagou of Nihewan and Laochihe, the age of L4 of the Jinyuan Cave is probably similar to this two locality, namely around
Quaternary Sciences
Luotuo Hill, Jinyuan Cave, Ursus etruscus, distribution pattern