为改善建筑陶瓷干法造粒过程坯料颗粒含水率不均匀性问题,采用CFD方法分析建筑陶瓷干法造粒过程坯料颗粒的含水率分布情况,建立干法造粒过程坯料颗粒含水率的CFD模型,改善坯料颗粒的含水率均匀性,同时实验测量坯料颗粒的含水率验证模拟结果的可靠性。数值仿真结果表明:当干法造粒时间分别为5.5 min、6 min、6.5 min时,造粒室内雾化水的质量百分比最大值分别约为9%、11%、12%,平均值分别约为6%、8%、9%,且雾化水的质量百分比云图均含三区间分布,坯料颗粒含水率分布均匀性较差。同时实验测试结果与数值仿真结果基本相吻合,验证了数值模拟模型的正确性,为干法造粒过程坯料颗粒的含水率研究提供了新的方法。
_.This study aimed to solve the water content inhomogeneity of the ceramic body in the dry granulation of building ceramics. First, the CFD method was used to analyze the water content distribution of the ceramic body particles in the process and a simulation model was established to improve the water content uniformity. The reliability of the simulation results was verified by the experiment. The numerical simulation showed that when the dry granulation time was 5.5min, 6min, and 6.5min, the maximum atomized water mass percentages in the granulation chamber were about 9%, 11%, and 12%, with their averages at about 6%, 8%, and 9%. The mass percentage nephogram of the atomized water had three sections, and the water content distribution of the ceramic body particles had a poor uniformity. Meanwhile, the experiment data was much the same as that of the numerical simulation, verifying the correctness of the numerical simulation model. The study provides a new method to research the water content of ceramic body particles in dry granulation process.
Journal of Ceramics