随着岩土锚固技术的发展 ,出现了多种受力类型的锚杆 ,但对其变形特性及刚度目前尚无比较全面的分析 ,本文从土锚受力方式及其变形特性分析入手 ,结合已有工程实测资料 ,导出适用于不同类型土锚的刚度计算公式 。
With the development of rock & soil anchoring technology, there exist anchors bearing different forces, but there isn't a comprehensive analysis of the deformation characteristics and stiffness yet. Based on the ana lysis of bearing force types and deformation characteristics of soil anchors and in combination with field-surveyed data of existed engineering, calculation formulae of stiffness adaptable for different types of soil anchors are derived, which may be adopted as reference for engineering design.
Port & Waterway Engineering