通过对ECLIPS5700地面系统进行程序优化升级以及对微球、四臂井径井下仪器进行技术改造,实现了组合测井项目中微球及四臂井径仪器串的直连、地面命令的接收及井下信号的数字化上传。在地面系统中增加了微球、四臂井径服务表与电机控制命令;设计了微球-四臂井径井下仪,并在该仪器中增加WTS(Wireline Telemetry Systems)电缆遥测系统通讯功能与模数转换功能。
This article introduces a way of achieving the connection of microspherically focused tool and four ann caliper, the reception of command from the ground and the digital upload of down-hole signals in the combination logging projects through the optimization and upgra- ding of the ground system program and technical transformation for the downhole tools. The service table of microspherically focused tool and four arm caliper and the eleetrie machinery control command are added in the ground system. A new instrument, the microspherieally fo- cused-four arm caliper logging tool is designed, in which communication and A/D conversion functions of WTS are added.
XIONG Xin YI Wei(Chongqing Mineral Resources Development Co. Ltd. , Chongqing 401120, China)
Petroleum Tubular Goods & Instruments