
冬小麦供水和种植密度与产量关系的数学模型 被引量:4

Mathematic Models for Relationship of Yield to Water Supply and Planting Density of Winter Wheat
摘要 根据1986~1990年旱棚及田间试验结果,建立和分析了供水和种植密度与产量的关系的数字模型.在各种密度下,供水量与产量关系可以由Y=a_1+b_1X(0<X≤X_1)Y=a+bX+cX^2(X_1≤X)复合式来表达.模型表明,在达到最高产量前,供水增量与产量增量存在一个按比例增长阶段,抛物线与直线的交点(X_1,Y_1)是节水高产的适宜位点.节水高产的供水量调节范围应在此点与抛物线峰值(X_m,Y_m)之间.这一供水量年度间有明显差别,但灌水量较接近.在相同灌水量(总量约210mm)时,小麦拔节后主要生育时期灌水3次的产量高于其它供水时空分配方式的产量.不同供水条件下,密度与产量关系用变形二次双曲线Y=X/(A+BX+CX^2) 模型拟合极显著.模型分析说明,在旱作和产量处于Y_1和Y_m之间且以中后期供水时密度宜适中(每亩17~22万苗),在供水较少或在中后期控水时要求较高种植密度.这个模型对于建立综合节水栽培决策模拟系统具有实用价值. Methematic models for relationships of yield to water supply and planting density was established and analyzed based on data gathered from rainshelter and field experiments during 1986 - 1990. The relations of yield and water amount in any density could be considerably well expressed by a complex model ofIt was shown that a proportionate phase between increments of water (?w)and yield (?y) existed before the maximum yield was reached, and the upper crossing point(X1, Y1)between the parabola and the straight line was the locus suitable for water saving with high yield. The total water input for both water saving and high yield should be ranged from(X1, Y1)to the maximum of the parabola(Xm, Ym)with significant difference in total but no or less difference in that irrigated among years. When the same amount of water was given, the yield from water of 210mm given at stages of stem elongation, heading, and middle grain filling of wheat would be higher than any other watering patterns. The relationships of density and yield under any water conditions could be highly fitted by a deformed quadratic hyperbola Y = X/(A+BX +CX2).It was shown by this model that the density should be within 170 - 220 thousand plants per mu with no irrigation or water-saving irrigation patterns, and higher density would be needed when less irrigation or water stressed post-stem-elongation stages. Models above would be valuable in the establishment of integrated wheat husbandry modeling system for water saving.
出处 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 1991年第S1期96-102,共7页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 冬小麦 供水 密度 产量 数学模型 Wheat Water supply Planting density Yield model
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