根据 CBTC(基于通信的列车控制)系统和ATS(列 车自动监控)子系统的功能特点,以及非通信列车运营场景, 明确ATS子系统对非通信列车追踪的系统需求.介绍了室 内测试验证的内容、流程和期望结果.通过ATS子系统的 室内测试平台以及现场系统集成测试,模拟线路轨道区段空 闲、占用或受扰等不同情况下非通信列车的追踪功能,在 ATS子系统上观察非通信列车按照预设的各种典型场景运 行时的区段占用情况和列车追踪结果.结合现场运营测试, 对比系统需求,使 CBTC系统非通信列车追踪功能得到验证.
Based on the characters of CBTC system and ATS subsystem, as well as the non-communication train op-eration scenario, the ATS system requirements for non-communication train tracking are dearly defined. Then, the content, process and expected results of the in-door tes are introduced. ATS subsystem is applied to the test plat-form and system integration test, to simulate the non-com-munication train tracking functions in different conditions like vacant, occupied and disturbed track, observe the test result in several scenarios as primary environment on ATS subsystem. Finally, according to the site operation test, which is compared with the system requirements, the non-communication train tracking function in CBTC system is verified.
Urban Mass Transit