

An Oriental Scroll beyond the Times: An Analysis into A Poetic China in Claudel's Works
摘要 19、20世纪之交,克洛代尔来到中国担任外交官。在十几年的旅居岁月中,中国风物给他留下了深刻印象。20世纪30年代开始,克洛代尔发表了《根据中国古诗改写的小诗》和《根据中国古诗改写的诗增补》,因为不懂中文,克洛代尔的改写并没有忠实于原作,而是按照时代的审美和自己的风格将中国古诗词的意境移植到法语语言中。中国古典文学为他提供了丰富的创作题材,受到"月光"题材作品的启发,克洛代尔创作了一批别出心裁的诗歌作品。他笔下的诗意中国和彼时西方社会诋毁鄙夷中国的社会语境形成了鲜明对比。他的社会背景、性格特点决定了他的文化视角,加上启蒙时期的"中国热"在法国余温尚存,他继承了前人对传统中国的想象,展现了一幅与西方媒体贬斥中国论调相悖的、诗意盎然的东方景象。 At the turn of the 20th century, Claudel was assigned as a diplomat to China and stayed here for almost fifteen years. The great ancient oriental country left an indelible impression on him. Since the 1930s, two pieces of his works, namely, Petits poemes d' apres le chinois and Autres poemes d' apres le chinois, had got published in France. For his inability to understand the Chinese language, Claudel didn' t follow the principle of being loyal to the original text in the adaption but chose to deliver the artistic conception of classical Chinese poetry in the French language in line with the contemporary aesthetic sense and his own literary style. Classical Chinese literature provided him with abundant themes in literary creation. Inspired by the works themed on the moonlight, Claudel produced a series of extraordinary poems. His descriptions of a poetic China and the social linguistic context formed with contempt around China by the western society in that age formed a sharp contrast. The author' s social background and personality traits determined his cultural stance. In addition, China zeal during the Enlightenment lingered on in France. He maintained his predecessors' imaginations about traditional China in his works and presented a poetic oriental scene contrary to the one deprecated by the western media.
作者 周蕾 ZHOU Lei(School of Foreign Languages, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, China)
出处 《重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2017年第4期135-141,共7页 Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition)
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(16YJC740058)
关键词 克洛代尔 《根据中国古诗改写的小诗》 《根据中国古诗改写的诗增补》 意境移植 题材借用 诗意中国 Claudel Petits poemes d' apres le chinois Autres poemes d' apres le chinois rendering of the artistic conception borrowing of the theme a poetic China
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