
“双侧改革”促进经济转型升级:实践发展及治理路径 被引量:1

“Bilateral Reform” Promoting Economic Transformation and Upgrade:Practice Development and Governance Path
摘要 供给侧改革和需求侧改革虽均可被视为宏观经济改革的重要方式,但两者在时效性、针对性和运用的政策手段上均具有明显差异。中国经济供给侧面临有效性不足、产能过剩、结构失调、成本较高等问题,而经济需求侧面则面临投资渠道不畅、政策效应下降、外需依赖较大、内需启动受阻等困境。实现长期经济结构转型,必须利用供给侧和需求侧协同改革方式,发挥二者各自优势:在供给侧充分调动企业增加有效供给的主动性与积极性,不断提升全要素生产率;在需求侧陆续增加居民可支配收入,积极刺激个人消费。依靠"双侧改革"陆续消化过剩产能与库存,不断推动产业技术自主创新与经济结构转型升级,促使实际产出陆续回归潜在产出,进而拉动经济增长,最终实现经济发展的动态平衡。 Supply-side reform and demand-side reform all can be seen as important reform ways of macroeconomy, but they are obviously different in timeliness, pertinence and policy means. The supply - side of Chinese economy faces many problems, such as the shortage of effectiveness, excess production capacity, structural imbalance and high costs, and so on. While the demand -side of Chinese economy is exposed to plights of the decline in investment and policy effect, larger dependence of overseas market demand and difficult start of domestic demand. In order to achieve long - term economic structure transformation, coordi-nated reform of supply-side and demand - side must be done, giving play to their respective advantages. “Bilateral reform” can successively digest excessive production capacity and inventory, constantly promote independent innovation of industrial technology ,impel transformation and upgrade of economic structure, make real output gradually return to potential output and stimulate e-conomic growth to achieve dynamic balance of economic development at last
作者 张耀一
出处 《南都学坛(南阳师范学院人文社会科学学报)》 2017年第4期115-121,共7页 Academic Forum of Nandu:Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanyang Normal University
基金 河南省社科规划项目"基于供给侧结构性改革的河南省产业转型升级思路与路径选择研究" 项目编号:2017CJJ093 河南省社科规划项目"国家中心城市研发产业促进制造业转型升级路径研究" 项目编号:2017CJJ119 河南省高等学校重点科研项目"河南省人口迁移 产业集聚与城镇化空间格局演化研究" 项目编号:18A790024 河南省教育厅人文社科重点项目"河南省以供给侧改革促进产业优化升级对策研究" 项目编号:2017ZZJH-391 南阳师范学院高层次人才科研项目"制造业与生产性服务业互动发展研究" 项目编号:ZX2016027
关键词 供给侧改革 需求侧改革 经济发展 supply-side reform demand - side reform economic development
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