研究了封装反射层材料对GAGG:Ce探测器光收集的影响,同时与Na I(TI)闪烁体探测器进行了详细的对比性实验,用137Cs、60Co标准源测量了γ能谱,对GAGG:Ce与Na I(TI)闪烁体探测器的温漂、能量线性及能量分辨率等性能指标重点进行了讨论。结果表明:GAGG:Ce探测器随温度漂移变化程度较大;能量线性好,线性相关度r为0.9999;对662 ke V的γ射线能量分辨率为7.8~8.0%。
The influence of the light collection in GAGG: Ce crystal is studied by packaged with several different light - reflecting materials. The performance of GAGG: Ce and NaI (TI) scintillator detectors such as tempera- ture drift, energy linearity and energy resolution are discussed by detecting γ -ray of 137Cs and 60Co. The ex- perimental results show that gamma energy spectrum of GAGG: Ce detector are easily affected by temperature compare to NaI(TI) detector. The relative degree of linearity r is 0.9999 and energy resolution of 662 keV γ - ray is 7.8 -8.0% The results also validate the better performance of GAGG: Ce crystal and its value in applica- tions of the new scintillation detector.
Nuclear Electronics & Detection Technology