
饮马河流域伊通河下游滨河农田非点源污染负荷估算 被引量:3

Estimation of Non-Pointed Source Pollution Load in the Farmlands along the Riverside of the Yitong River in Yinmahe Basin
摘要 饮马河是松花江中上游重要支流,伊通河为饮马河支流。为研究掌握伊通河下游河段(农安片区)滨河农田土壤侵蚀以及面源污染负荷特征,于2015年4~10月,在流域内的伊通河干流及其支流新开河、中央排水干渠和二道沟的河道两侧设置10处采样点,选取pH值、有机质、碱解氮和速效磷指标,采用田间试验和通用土壤流失方程USLE相结合方法,逐月测定上述4指标的田间含量,并估算土壤侵蚀量和氮磷污染输出负荷。研究表明:2015年研究流域内土壤有机质、碱解氮和速效磷含量依次为(11.05±8.08)^(21.14±22.81)g/kg、(119.812±53.955)^(205±161.287)mg/kg和(9.78±5.88)^(33.03±24.99)mg/kg;在4~10月春夏秋季节,上述三指标以及土壤pH值均存在"高-低-高"较为明显的"U"型变化趋势。土壤侵蚀强度均值为3.2982 t/hm^2;其中7月份的土壤侵蚀量为2.48 t/hm^2,占到全年的75.19%;其强度大小以及变化趋势均由年内降雨量的分布多寡所决定。农田面源污染负荷中碱解氮和速效磷的总负荷依次为214.985 kg/hm^2、10.219 kg/hm^2,其中固态及溶解态碱解氮和速效磷依次为102.57 kg/hm^2、112.415 kg/hm^2和0.14 kg/hm^2、10.079 kg/hm^2;溶解态氮磷分别是悬浮态氮磷的1.1倍和72倍,是面源输出中主要部分。此外,固态的有机质输出水平为102.092 kg/ha。 Yinma River is an important tributary of middle and upper reaches of Songhua River, with Yitong Riveras the tributary. In order to gain the characteristics of erosion and the load of non-point source pollution in riversidefarmlands around downstream of Yitong River(within Nong'an Area), the related research was conducted betweenApril and October, 2015, in which the field contents of pH value, organic substance, available nitrogen and avail-able phosphorus were measured in each of successive months in the 10 sample collection points set on both sides ofthe mainstream of Yitong River basin and its tributary Xinkai River, the central arterial drainage and Erdaogou,through the methodology of field trial in combination of general USLE. Besides, the erosion amount and nitrogen andphosphorus pollution output load were also estimated subsequently. The results showed that in 2015, soil contents oforganic substance, available nitrogen and available phosphorus were(11.05±8.08)-(21.14±22.81)g/kg,(119.812±53.955)-(205±161.287)mg/kg and(9.78±5.88)-(33.03±24.99)mg/kg. During summer and autumn(April-October),the three above-mentioned indexes and the soil pH value demonstrated a distinct U-shaped variation trend with av-erage erosion intensity value of 3.2982 t/ha. The soil erosion intensity value was 2.48 t/ha in July, taking up 75.19%of the whole year, whose intensity and variation trends were depended on the rainfall distribution within the year.The overall loads of available nitrogen, available phosphorus in field non-point pollution were 214.985 kg/ha and10.219 kg/ha, respectively, among which, the solid available nitrogen and available phosphorus were 102.57 kg/haand 112.415 kg/ha and the dissolved ones were 0.14 kg/ha and 10.079 kg/ha, separately. The amounts of the dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus were 1.1 and 72 times that of suspending ones, thus becoming the main output ofnon-source point. In addition, the solid organic substance output was 102.092 kg/ha.
出处 《东北农业科学》 2017年第3期14-22,共9页 Journal of Northeast Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家-水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2014ZX07201-011) 吉林省教育厅项目(自然科学)(JJKH20170922KJ)
关键词 伊通河 土壤侵蚀 氮磷 农田 面源 Yitong River Soil erosion Nitrogen and phosphorus Farmland Non-point source
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