We present the preliminary results of our code OPAQS(opacity calculation using quantum statistical model) that is based on the self consistent Hartree-Fock-Slater model for the average atom. The code is capable of performing robust calculations of average charge state, frequency-dependent and mean opacities. The accuracy of the atomic model is verified by comparing the calculations of average charge state with various published results. The monochromatic opacities for iron computed at different sets of temperatures and densities are compared with LEDCOP. The Rosseland and Planck opacities for iron and aluminum are validated with some state-of-the-art codes. The results are in good agreement with the published data.
We present the preliminary results of our code OPAQS(opacity calculation using quantum statistical model) that is based on the self consistent Hartree-Fock-Slater model for the average atom. The code is capable of performing robust calculations of average charge state, frequency-dependent and mean opacities. The accuracy of the atomic model is verified by comparing the calculations of average charge state with various published results. The monochromatic opacities for iron computed at different sets of temperatures and densities are compared with LEDCOP. The Rosseland and Planck opacities for iron and aluminum are validated with some state-of-the-art codes. The results are in good agreement with the published data.