本文介绍了目前500kV 3/2接线的智能化变电站三跳起动失灵虚端子回路的通用设计,分析了其虚端子回路设计存在的缺陷,并提出完善虚端子回路的设计方案,通过比较得出结论,采用断路器智能终端TJR的三条起动失灵的虚端子设计方案更为简单和可靠。
This paper introduces the general circuit design of failure protection of three-phase trip in 500 kV 3/2 connection smartsubstation, analyzes the defects of its virtual terminal circuit design, and puts forward the design scheme of perfecting the virtual terminal circuit. By comparison, the virtual terminal circuit design of failure protection of three-phase trip of using smartterminal TJR is more simple and reliable.
Electrical Engineering