
频谱效率优先的任播路由冲突感知的弹性光网络资源重配置 被引量:4

Collision-aware Reconfiguration Resource Based on Spectrum Efficiency First for Anycast Routing in Elastic Optical Networks
摘要 针对混合供电的数据中心互联弹性光网络中,为了降低任播业务传输的阻塞率和能耗,论文提出一种基于频谱效率优先的冲突感知(CSEFR)任播路由资源分配策略。该策略首先计算任播阻塞率优化光路,按频谱效率优先准则对光路重配置排序,用首次命中(FF)方式分配频谱。如果任播的阻塞率优化的光路目的节点是不可再生能源供电数据中心,则预留此阻塞率优化光路,并为任播建立一条连接可再生能源供电数据中心频谱效率次优的能耗优化光路,使用末端命中(LF)频谱分配方式;若该阻塞率优化光路连接的目的节点是可再生能源数据中心,且与其他任播的能耗优化光路频谱分配冲突,将冲突的任播能耗优化光路重配置到其预留的阻塞率优化光路传输以解决光路的频谱冲突问题。仿真结果表明,论文提出的CSEFR策略能在大幅降低网络不可再生能耗的同时,实现阻塞率和能耗折中的路由策略,而且对不同数据中心配置的网络环境具有普适性。 In the data-center interconnected Elastic Optical Network (EON), for reducing blocking probability and energy consumption of anycast request, a Collision-aware based on Spectrum Efficiency First Reconfiguration (CSEFR) strategy is proposed. The light-paths optimized by blocking probability are firstly calculated and allocated spectrum with the First-Fit (FF) mode. And the light-paths are sorted ascend by the light-paths' spectrum efficiency. If the destination of light-path is a non-renewable energy supply data-center, the light-path is reserved. Then, an energy-saving light-path with suboptimal spectrum efficiency is established to connect a renewable energy supply data-center and allocated spectrum with the Last-Fit (LF) mode. But if the destination of light-path optimized by blocking probability is a renewable energy supply data-center which conflicts with other anycasts' energy-saving light-paths, those conflicted energy-saving light-paths are reconfigured to their reserved light-paths optimized by blocking probability. The simulations results show that the proposed CSFER strategy can achieve a better tradeoff routing strategy between the blocking probability and energy consumption, and the CSFER strategy is universal for optical networks configured with different data centers.
出处 《电子与信息学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第7期1697-1703,共7页 Journal of Electronics & Information Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(61275077) 重庆市教委基金(KJ1400421) 重庆市科委基础与前沿基金(2015jcyj A40024)~~
关键词 弹性光网络 冲突感知 频谱效率 资源重配置 能耗 Elastic Optical Networks (EONs) Collision-aware Spectrum efficiency Resource reconfiguration Energy consumption
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