Chinese historians paid little attention to biography. In Chinese literary circle, however, biogra- phy remains on the glory trail for long times, thus have left it still under the bondage of literature. This situa- tion of biography has not only hindered the process of modernization of the history discipline, but also retard- ed the project of national construction required by the rise of the Chinese nation. The rise of modern Anglo - American biography has proved that biography is always a branch of history whether or not there is any clear distinction between literature and history. Biography writing permits no fiction because it belongs to the genre of science. The modernization of Anglo - American biography is realized through its returning to the main- stream of history with nationalization, and is marked by writing national biographies such as DNB and ANB and by promoting to the construction of nation state. Modern Anglo - American biography is characterized by scientification and nationalization. The enlightening significance of it lies in that we should remake our biog- raphy, and start to write the Chinese national biography as early as possible, this will not only promote to construct our nation state but also help us to find new disciplinary growth spin - offs of history.
Collected Papers of History Studies