研究了不同热处理工艺对ZG06Cr13Ni4Mo材质性能的影响。试验表明,该材质在1 010℃正火+605℃一次回火+580℃二次回火热处理后,各项性能指标达到最优,其组织为低碳马氏体+逆转变奥氏体,具有较高的强度、低温韧性和适合的硬度,并在应用大型叶片铸件热处理生产中,满足了产品性能要求。
The influence of different heat treatment processes on the performances of ZG06Cr13Ni4Mo was studied. Experiments showed that under the heat treatment of normalizing at 1 010 ℃ + first tempering at 605 ℃ + second tempering at 58 ℃,this material achieved the optimized performances,its microstructure was low carbon martensite + re-transformed austenite,it had higher strength,higher low-temperature toughness and suitable hardness. The heat treatment process is applied to the production of large blade castings,meets all requirements of the product performance.
Foundry Equipment & Technology