
生物炭对植烟土壤氮素形态迁移及微生物量氮的影响 被引量:8

Effects of biochar on nitrogen transformation and the microbial biomass nitrogen under different nitrogen application rates
摘要 为了在植烟土壤中施加生物炭,以及在不同氮素水平下验证生物炭对土壤氮素的淋洗及迁移的影响。采用大田试验,设计5个处理,在磷肥和钾肥施用量相同的基础上,除对照(CK)处理不施生物炭与氮肥外,其余4个处理都添加1 600 kg/hm^2的生物炭,施氮量分别为(N0)0、(N1)37.5、(N2)52.5和(N3)67.5 kg/hm^2,对植烟土壤氮素在0~20、20~40和40~60 cm土层施加生物炭,研究全氮、碱解氮、硝态氮和铵态氮质量分数的影响及其迁移规律,以及0~20 cm土层微生物量氮的变化特征。结果表明:植烟土壤施用生物炭降低了0~20 cm以下土壤氮素质量分数,提高了植烟土壤对氮素的固定能力。与CK相比,增施生物炭的N0在0~20 cm以下土层,土壤全氮、碱解氮、硝态氮和铵态氮质量分数降低率最高达到11.21%、49.07%、42.29%和31.35%。而施氮量对植烟土壤全氮、碱解氮和铵态氮的影响,主要集中在0~20 cm土层,且土壤氮素质量分数随施氮量的增加而增加,以N3处理各氮素指标质量分数相对最高,其全氮、碱解氮和铵态氮质量分数最高分别为2.10 g/kg、261.86 mg/kg和49.80 mg/kg。土壤硝态氮质量分数随土层加深而下降,在0~20 cm土层,以N3处理最高,达264.90 mg/kg;但不同氮水平下,硝态氮质量分数在20~40 cm土层差异较其他土层更显著。施用氮肥对植烟土壤氮素的影响主要表现在烟草移栽后前30 d。增施生物炭可以提高烟草移栽后60 d时土壤微生物量氮;而施氮量对微生物量氮熵的影响主要表现在烟草移栽30 d之后。施氮量对植烟土壤氮素的影响主要表现在0~20 cm土层,且在烟草生育前期效果显著。生物炭可以明显抑制植烟土壤本身及低量氮肥施用下氮素淋失迁移,但在高量氮肥施用下的抑制作用不明显。在豫中烟区,以生物炭配施氮肥67.5 kg/hm^2施肥措施,最利于植烟土壤氮素提高。 [ Background ] This paper studies the effect of applied biochar on the nitrogen (N) transformation under different N levels in the tobacco-planting soil, because the C/N ratio in the soil for continuous planting tobacco in Henan province is not balanced, resulting in the tobacco quality reduced. [ Methods] The field experiment was carried out with different N levels under the biochar application; it is located in Daguo town of Linying County, Henan province (E113°81′, N33°79′). Five treatments were set as: 1) no N no biochar (CK) ; the other four applied with 1 600 kg/hm2 biochar, with four N levels : 2) 0 kg/hm2 (N0) ; 3 ) 37.5 kg/hm2 ( N1 ) ; 4 ) 52.5 kg/hm2 (N2) ; 5 ) 67.5 kg/hm2 ( N3 ).Based on the five sample points, the total N (TN), available N (AN), nitrate N (NOj-N) and ammonium N (NH4+-N) in three soil layers (i.e. 0-20cm, 20-40cm, and 40-60cm) as well as the soil microorganism biomass N (SMBN) in 0 -20 cm soil layer were measured and analyzed. [ Results] The biocbar application reduced the N content in the deep layer, which indicated that it elevated N sequestration in top soil layer. Compared with the CK, the decrement of TN, AN, NO/-N, and NH4+-N content was 11.21%, 49.07%, 42.29% and 31.35%, respectively under the no treatment. The AN, NO3--N, and NH4+ -N content mainly existed in 0 -20 cm soil layer, and all of them increased with N application rate. The highest content of TN, AN, NH4+ -N occurred under N3 treatment, which was 2. 10 g/kg, 261.86 g/kg, 264.90 mg/kg, and 49.80 mg/kg, respectively. While the NO3- -N content reduced with the soil layer increased, and it concentrated in 0 - 20 cm layer with the highest level as 264.90 mg/kg in N3 treatment. Moreover, the NO/-N content in 20 -40 cm soil layer was significantly different from that of other soil layer under different N level. The effect of N application rate on its transformation presented before 30 d after the tobacco transplanted. The biochar application incr
出处 《中国水土保持科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期26-35,共10页 Science of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 河南省烟草公司重大面上项目"不同生物炭对植烟土壤碳氮比和紧实度调节机制研究及应用"(LYKJ201504) "烟田有机废弃物高效生物发酵资源化利用与技术集成"(HYKJ201215)
关键词 植烟土壤 氮素 生物炭 施氮量 迁移 tobacco-planted soil nitrogen biochar nitrogen application rate transformation
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